Chest and biceps Back and triceps Shoulders and legs

Best back exercises

Best triceps exercises

  • Skullcrusher
  • Why it's on the list: The guys who literally wrote the book on how to optimize training with EMG-based exercise selection point to this as the best overall triceps activation exercise.[1] While this move—also known as a French press or lying triceps extension—doesn't necessarily isolate the lateral or long heads more than other exercises, having the arm position perpendicular to your body combines the activity of the two heads to catapult this movement to the top of the list.

    In your workout: Using an EZ-bar, small barbell, or dumbbell, do 3 sets for 8-12 reps as the first or second exercise in your routine. Make sure you have a spotter to help you get the weight into position and allow for a bit more safety when you're lowering the bar toward your face—there's a reason this exercise is called a skullcrusher!

  • Close-Grip Bench Press
  • Why it's on the list: If you've read any of our previous best-exercise articles, like those for chest and back, then you already know that we love compound (multijoint) exercises because they're the best for muscle growth. Even though the bench press is usually a chest exercise, you can effectively target smaller muscle groups like your triceps and build upper-body strength with this heavy multijoint movement.

    Extending the elbows during those heavy barbell presses is an arm workout in itself. Powerlifters have been doing the close-grip bench press for ages, and they're known for having some mighty large guns. One of the first EMG studies on pressing angles and muscle activation discovered that a flat bench with a narrow grip activates the long head of the triceps to a greater extent than an inclined bench.

    To really torch the back of your arms, use a close grip, but keep your hands around 8-10 inches apart. Going with a closer grip doesn't put any more stress on your elbow, but it does increase the strain on your wrists. Tuck your arms in to decrease the amount of stress on your pecs and shoulders while increasing the demand on your triceps.

    In your workout: Place this movement first or second in your workout. Do 3-4 sets of 6-10 reps.

  • Weighted Parallel-Bar Dip
  • Why it's on the list: This is another multijoint triceps exercise, so it's near the top of the muscle-building list—especially weighted, which makes it more ideal for building mass. Attaching a belt around your waist with plates can increase the resistance so you fail within the target rep range of 8-12 ideal for muscle growth.

    To focus on the triceps, keep your body as vertical as possible. Don't lean forward, which hits your chest instead of your arms, and keep those elbows tight to your sides. Think dips won't work for you? Take a look at any male gymnast; horseshoe triceps come standard issue with all those dips!

    In your workout: While there's a pretty high degree of muscle recruitment with dips, it's often best to do them later in your workouts. Start your triceps workout with big weights and presses, then use dips in the middle to flush those arms with blood. Load up your dip belt and shoot for 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps.

  • Weighted Bench Dip
  • Why it's on the list: Another dip? Yep. EMG evidence suggests that there's substantial triceps activation during a bench dip. How can we make this move even better? By bumping up the load with added weight! Any time we increase the mechanical load, metabolic stress, and mechanical stress to a muscle fiber, we can increase the recruitment of repair proteins normally present.

    This multijoint movement is similar to the machine dip, but it requires a partner to place weights across your thighs and position two flat benches the right distance apart. Dropsets are easy to do: just remove a plate to extend your set.

    In your workout: Put this in the middle or at the end of your workout. If you are feeling super fatigued, this may not be the best exercise, since your shoulders could end up in a compromised position by rounding forward. Shoot for 3 sets of 8-12 reps.

  • Triceps Dip Machine
  • Why it's on the list: This compound exercise makes it especially easy to find a weight that targets your desired goal. For example, if you're strength training, simply move the pin to a heavier load than if you're training for hypertrophy (8-12 reps). You'll likely need to strap yourself in, but this move also makes it easy to do forced reps (with a partner), dropsets, or even rest-pause sets to boost your intensity.

    In your workout: Do this early or in the middle of your workout for 3-4 sets of 6-10 reps. You can also finish your upper-arm workout with this movement to flush the triceps muscles with high reps. Most trainees mess up here by failing to go to full triceps extension and stopping short of fully bending their elbows, so keep full range of motion in mind.

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